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Festival Archives Results


May 26

Riots, Rebellions and Anti-Colonial Formations

Film screenings and moderated discussion


May 26

What Is A Body Worth? Artist Talk, Shadow Puppetry and Song

With Kristine White and Jesse Corrigan

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May 25

A Garden and a Library: Planting Workshop

With Atanas Bozdarov and Disability Justice Network ON

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May 22 - May 31

A Garden and a Library

Installation by Atanas Bozdarov with prose by Shulamit Sappire


May 18

Mending Workshop (Hamilton)

With Camila Salcedo, a part of Labour Pains curated by Emma Steen

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May 18

Study Circle & Artist Talk with Julianna A.S.

Hosted by Caribbean Solidarity Network


May 16

Let Me Get You An Orange! Evening Salon

With Sean Lee, jes sachse and Parkdale Community Legal Services, a part of Labour Pains curated by Emma Steen

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May 12

Mending Workshop (Toronto)

With Camila Salcedo, a part of Labour Pains curated by Emma Steen

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May 11

Trans-Pakistan Zindabad (Long Live Trans-Pakistan)

Performance-panel with Umber Majeed, Hiba Ali, and Asad Alvi

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May 10 - July 27

Labour Pains

Group exhibition with Camila Salcedo, Peter Morin, Sean Lee, Birdie Gerhl, curated by Emma Steen

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May 10

Labour Pains Opening reception & Dialogue

With Peter Morin, Isaac King and Emma Steen


May 9

Who’s Afraid of Labour Justice?

Poetry workshop with Furqan Mohamed


May 8

Law at Work: The Coercion and Co-option of the Working Class

Book launch with Harry Glasbeek


May 5 - July 26

What Is A Body Worth?

Exhibition by Kristine White with Nazanin Zarepour