Date & Time
Saturday May 27, 12PM-4PM
Dentonia Park
Thyra Ave & Dentonia Park Ave
Toronto, ON
This venue is wheelchair accessible and has wheelchair accessible washrooms. For any questions around accessibility, please email
Join us in Dentonia Park for an afternoon featuring live music, art by Waard Ward, a colouring station, free zines by Sonali Menezes, and snacks!
Our closing celebration is an opportunity to come together in community and celebrate labour arts.
12-1PM: Sistema Choir performance (Drop-ins welcome)
1-2PM: Musical performance by Leen, lead singer of Kazdoura (Drop-ins welcome)
2-4PM: Floristry Workshop (Registration required here)

Sistema Toronto provides musical and intellectual opportunities to children in vulnerable communities, with the goal of transformative social change. Sistema build stronger communities by enabling children from marginalized neighbourhoods to grow, and thrive as engaged citizens and future leaders. Sistema is first and foremost a social development program, using ensemble-based music education to transform the lives of children.
Leen is a newcomer artist from Syria. Over the past four years, music provided her with a safe space and strength. Leen started her music education in Aleppo at the age of 8 years old. Her passion for classical Arabic led her to the Canadian Arabic Orchestra, where she has been performing as a choir singer. She received the newcomer artist award from Toronto Art foundation in 2019.Her last project is Kazdoura, serves up modern fusion Arabic music, their style is a cross-cultural blend of Eastern and Western music that blends Arabic with jazz, funk and disco, They released their first EP in 2022. In her originals with kazdoura, Leen talks about the struggles of surviving destruction. Recently, she was featured at Sultans of String latest album “Sanctuary.