Photograph by Felicia Byron, a part of Here & Home curated by Djanbé Edouard


Deadline to apply:  July 10, 2024

Mayworks is seeking a guest curator or programmer to create a group show or program exhibiting the work of three artists/musicians/performers for the 40th edition of the Mayworks Festival of Working People and the Arts, scheduled to take place in May 2025.

We are looking for projects that speak to contemporary issues at the intersection of art and labour justice, that reimagine a just future, and that (re)frame or advance the artistic discourse of the festival. Projects may be a combination of artwork already developed and new works created for the festival. All art forms are welcome including visual art, music, performance, theatre, dance, poetry, digital, media art,  and multi-disciplinary works. Art works/performances that can be presented in outdoor public spaces are welcome. 

The curator/programmer will propose an exhibition/program of three artists whose work aligns with our mission and mandate.

In order to meet our arts funding conditions, the artists are required to be Canadian citizens or permanent residents and from the GTHA or surrounding area. 

Recent examples of Mayworks guest curated projects include: Labour Pains, curated by Emma Steen; Here & Home, curated by Djenabé Edourard; and In Transit, curated by Mitra Fakhrashrafi. 


July 10:  Application deadline.
July 30 to August 13:  Interviews for those short listed applicants
August 15: Selected curator/programmer notified
September 5 : Curator/programmer will present a draft proposal to the Mayworks programming committee for feedback
September  19 : Curator/programmer will present a final proposal with confirmed artists


Curator will assist with and provide documentation necessary for Mayworks to apply for grants to present the works at the Mayworks Festival in May 2025. Grant deadlines begin in October 2024. Curator will work with Mayworks staff to find appropriate venues for the presentation of the work. Curator will work with the artists to develop and  install their work.

Artists will be paid, at a minimum, an artist fee of $800 to participate in the festival.  Where required and if funding permits, artists may receive up to $1,000 towards the costs of presenting their work.  The curator will be paid a minimum fee of $2,000 which may increase if funding permits.  


Feel free to reach out to with any questions or to discuss your proposal.  

An open information session will be held on June 13th at 6PM via zoom:

Meeting ID 83183059255
Passcode: 990451


Deadline: July 10, 2024

If you are interested in working with Mayworks as a guest curator/programmer for our 2025 festival please send the following to as a single PDF document (file titled: last name_first name_application). Please put Curator/Programmer Call Submission in the subject line. 

  1. Name, contact info and place of residence

  2. Curator bio (150 words max) 

  3. Resume (2 pages max)

  4. A letter of interest (500 words): Your letter of interest should explain the concept for the curatorial project that you would like to develop further as well as how your previous work experience relates to our vision, mission and mandate.

  5. 5 relevant samples: May include images, documentation, video links, writing samples, etc. 2 of these samples should highlight your previous work, 3 should highlight the work of the 3 artists whom you would like to work with. Samples can be embedded into the PDF or included as a link to a Google drive.

The curator/ programmer will be selected by the Mayworks programming committee, made up of Mayworks board members as well as community members. Criteria is based upon the applicants alignment with Mayworks mission and mandate, previous experience delivering projects,  as well as their project’s potential to speak to contemporary issues at the intersection of art and labour justice,  reimagine a just future, and (re)frame or advance the artistic discourse of the festival.