by Mayworks | Dec 10, 2019 | Articles
View fullsize 黃瀚陞 Edward Hon-Sing WongEver since Mr. Bao arrived in Canada, he worked in grocery stores. While he has since retired, the backbreaking tasks are forever ingrained in his muscle memory. The exhausting work of mopping the floors, stocking the shelves, and...
by Mayworks | Dec 8, 2019 | Articles
Evelyn AmponsahAnique Jordan’s ‘Ban’ yuh belly’, a series that visually grapples with the ways Black people cope with the loss of loved ones due to anti-Black, systemic violence, is a work that asks us to reject making sense of the way we deal or do not deal...
by Mayworks | Dec 7, 2019 | Articles
“The disabled body has historically invited, compelled, and incited a variety of responses in spite of whatever specific impairments may be at issue.” -Ato Quayson, Aesthetic Nervousness (1) Photograpny, Erin Howley Adleen CrapoWhen I heard about jes sachse’s...
by Mayworks | Dec 6, 2019 | Articles
SAWRO at Another Park is Possible Erin HowleyWhat does it mean to care? The idea of care is most often thought of as a matter of the close personal relationships that we rely on for a sense of security, stability, and safety. These may be with circles of friends,...
by Mayworks | Dec 5, 2019 | Articles
This playwright is trying to unionize Foodora — while writing about one of Canada’s biggest strikesGraham Isador“One hundred years after the Winnipeg General Strike, Thomas McKechnie is exploring its parallels to today’s struggles.” Photography, Erin Howley...