By Moe Pramanick
Date & Time
May 1-31
Everyday from dusk until dawn
United Steelworkers Hall foyer
25 Cecil St
Toronto, ON
This installation is wheelchair accessible.
“All In Together Now” is a portrait of working people, specifically migrant workers, who are central to constructing our past-present-and-future. This public art installation honours migrant workers’ continued to struggle for labour rights, decent work and immigration status. The piece combines ink, screen tone and digital mediums.
The illustration is inspired by the use of comic art — revolutionary and decidedly cool — from protest posters throughout history and around the world, to some of the greatest hip hop album covers ever made.

Moe Pramanick is a Sindhi-Bengali visual artist based in Toronto. Her art practice is about seeing and documenting her people as beautiful and funky, resisting, and in-transition. A lover of learning together, Moe is interested in creating shared spaces for experimentation and revision through public art and workshop. By day, Moe works in food justice advocacy, where she’s curious about building solidarity inside and across movements, practicing mutual aid, and learning to love responsibly.