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Saturday, May 4, 2019

Work in progress community screening and dialogue

Created by artist En Lai Mah, Money Moves makes visible what is too often unnoticed: the labour of immigrant workers who put food on our tables. Mah collaborated with elder grocery store workers to create a performance that is inspired by their work.

The resulting performance tells the story of Mr. Bao, a 56-year old worker who is fighting for compensation after being injured on the job. Subverting everyday actions found in the workplace, the performance draws on movement and martial arts to resist feelings of immobility in the body. Filmed in grocery stores across the city, the performance invites grocery workers to find the physical and emotional strength required to stand up to their bosses.

Commissioned by Toronto’s Mayworks Festival of Working People and the Arts and presented in collaboration with the Chinese Workers Network and the Chinese Canadian National Council – Toronto Chapter.


11 En Lai Mah

1911 Kennedy Road, Scarborough