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Labour Arts Catalyst 2023




Soon and Very Soon (2022) by David Yu


DEADLINE: Friday June 16, 11:59PM
The Call for Submissions is CLOSED.

Mayworks’ Labour Arts Catalyst program pairs artists with labour justice organizations in a collaborative art-making process. This initiative aligns with the vision of Mayworks to incite the creation of art that furthers our struggles for better working and living conditions. We invite artists across disciplines to apply for this opportunity to create original work informed by research alongside their selected labour organization. The goal is to present the works at the Mayworks Festival in May 2024.

We invite submissions from artists working in all disciplines: theatre, performance, music, installation, sculpture, film and video, visual art, digital media, and beyond. Click here to view past Labour Arts Catalyst projects.

This year’s participating organizations are: Disability Justice Network-Ontario, Caribbean Solidarity Network, and the United Steelworkers Toronto Area Council Injured Workers Program. (More details below)

Artists will select the organization with whom they wish to work during the submission process. Mayworks staff will facilitate initial meetings with the labour organization. Artists are then responsible for following up with their labour organization to continue research. Mayworks staff will be on hand to facilitate as needed. 

Artists will retain copyright and creative control of their work, but are expected to share a work in progress with the labour organization for feedback prior to completion of the artwork. 


Each of the three selected artists will receive $2,000 toward the creation of their artwork.
If the artwork is presented during the Mayworks Festival 2023, artists will receive an additional exhibition fee of $800. 


Artists are expected to cover the expense of creating their artwork for the Mayworks Festival in 2024. Mayworks will apply for funding to help artists offset costs such as research, production and mentorship, but this funding is not guaranteed. 


Project development including meetings with labour organizations, research, and interviews may be done remotely. Presentation at the festival (performance, installation, other) and other accompanying programming such as artist talks and workshops require artists to be in Toronto. Mayworks will apply for funding to offset travel costs but this funding is not guaranteed.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents, reside in Ontario and be available according to the timeline and locations listed above. 

Project Documentation

Mayworks may commission a writer or documentarian to create documentation about the artwork and the artistic process. Artists will be required to share their process and progress with the assigned writer or documentarian.



May 9, 6PM: Q&A session for potential applicants. 
June 5, 11:59PM: Submission deadline
Early July: Selected artists notified 
Summer: Orientation and initial meetings between artists and organizations
Summer/Fall: Artists, supported by labour organizations where required, continue research and project development
Fall: Artists share progress to date with labour organization


February/March: Project completion
February-April: Build, implement, rehearse, etc., as required. Documentation created for festival promotion.
May: Presentation at the Mayworks Festival
June 15: Final report submitted to Mayworks
*Mayworks staff will be available throughout the timeline to offer project support and guidance. 

Application form

Apply now:


Email or attend our Q&A session on May 9 at 6PM: 
Meeting ID: 833 5437 4996
Passcode: 474084

2023 Labour Organizations

Disability Justice Network of Ontario (DJNO) aims to build a just and accessible Ontario, wherein people with disabilities: have personal and political agency; can thrive and foster community; build the power, capacity, and skills needed to hold people, communities, and institutions responsible for the spaces they create.

The Caribbean Solidarity Network , CSN, is an organization committed to the principles of Caribbean Liberation and Unity across the region as well as throughout the Diaspora. CSN’s platform is one rooted in a feminist, anti-imperialist, anti-colonial struggle. Our objectives are: to build community power through the development of public education and outreach in Toronto; to work with and support progressive forces and organizations in the Caribbean; to challenge the Canadian state and corporate policies which seek to keep the Caribbean region and its peoples in a dependent position.

Steelworkers Toronto Area Council (STAC) represents 14,000 members of the United Steelworkers in Toronto and York Region. Our workplaces include manufacturing, healthcare, post-secondary, banking and other service workers. STAC has a proud tradition of activism and community involvement. We are active in the Campaign for the $14 Minimum Wage, for green jobs, in solidarity with striking or locked-out workers and on many other fronts. We have built picket line support for Steelworkers at Crown Metal Packaging, Vale Inco, US Steel, Rio Tinto in Alma, QC as well as solidarity actions for Toronto municipal workers, library workers and refueling workers at Porter Airlines. We have also spoken out strongly against war and against racism, sexism, homophobia and other forms of discrimination. STAC runs a number of programs including, The Injured Workers Program.  It provides assistance to any member who has put in a claim to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) regarding a workplace injury. The Program, funded by STAC locals, was born out of the necessity of providing our membership with the best experts in all areas of advocacy and proper representation in Appeals and Tribunals, and return-to-work meetings.

Frequently asked questions

Can emerging artists apply?

Yes! Artists of all career levels are encouraged to apply. The jury recognizes self-taught practice, learning outside art institutions, and transferable skills.

Can mid-career and established artists apply?

Yes! Artists of all career levels are encouraged to apply. Mayworks prioritizes applicants of systemically marginalized groups.

What kinds of support material are accepted?

Diverse support materials are accepted (performance recording, poetry, photography, workshop facilitation, unexhibited works, etc). To strengthen application, work should be as relevant as possible to your proposal.

How specific should I be in the application?

Successful applicants use the word count as a frame for going into detail about past experiences and interest in being a part of this program with specificity to the organization they’ve selected.

I don’t have a personal connection to any of the organizations, can I still apply?

A personal connection is not required. Doing research about the organizations may be helpful in finding a meaningful connection and point of interest based on your experiences.

What can creation fee be used towards?

In 2021, artists used their creation fee towards costs including but not limited to painting supplies, interview subject honorariums, printing, installation materials, technicians, designers, and more.

