Dialogues Money Moves: 超时工作, A conversation Thursday, May 13, 7:30-9:00PM ASL Interpretation and Mandarin translation is available. Workers are organizing to win better conditions for themselves and their colleagues, but this can only happen if workers feel they have...
Film MoneyMoves: 超时工作 (2019) A Mayworks Premiere Runtime: 6.22 minutes Saturday, May 1 – Monday, May 31 A roving performance that considers the toll of wage theft on the body. Created by artist En Lai Mah, MoneyMoves: 超时工作 makes visible what is too often...
FIGHTING SCUM MAY 1 – May 30, 2020 Whippersnapper Gallery 594 Dundas St W A multi-arts exhibition, Fighting Scum scrapes against the layers of estrangement and loss experienced by immigrant workers. Florence Yee’s installation, gentle reminders to kill your...